The John Hole school community serves approximately 370 students in grades 2-5. The John Hole staff works together to provide a caring, safe, and positive environment where students feel welcome, accepted, and inspired to learn.
Our School Day
The John Hole Elementary school day is 8 a.m.-2:20 p.m. Doors open at 7:45 a.m.
School of Excellence in Prevention
John Hole achieved the Platinum Level in the Montgomery County ESC’s Schools of Excellence in Prevention Program.
This means that throughout the school year, the school has made significant efforts to plan for and implement prevention programs and strategies to support student mental wellness.
Purple Star School
John Hole is designated as a Purple Star school by the Ohio Department of Education for showing a commitment to students and families connected to our nation’s military.
A Great Place to Learn
At John Hole, parental participation is encouraged and there are many opportunities for parent involvement. This cooperation between home and school will continue to make John Hole Elementary "A Great Place to Learn."
Help our students grow!
Parent and community volunteers help us meet the varying and diverse needs of our students.