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John Hole PTO

Image of exterior of John Hole Elementary that reads the John Hole PTO welcomes you

The John Hole PTO, in collaboration with parents, teachers and staff, works together to enrich and enhance our children’s education experience and creates a community of learning and support through financial and volunteer means.

Message from our Principal

On behalf of the students and staff of Dr. John Hole Elementary, I would like to welcome you to our school team. We are very lucky to have such a committed, supportive group of parents as a part of our PTO. The success of our school depends on the collaborative relationship between students, staff and parents. The Dr. John Hole PTO has always been a huge support to the students, school and school district through their dedication of time, effort and resources. I hope and encourage you to find ways to get involved with this fantastic Parent Teacher Organization.

Lisa Mays

Image of three students with John Hole Principal Lisa Mays
thank you card from a happy student
thank you card with a smiling heart

2024-25 PTO Board

Image of paw that reads John Hole PTO
Co-President Lindsay Haller
Co-President Shauna Marshall
Co-Vice President Allison Barrett
Co-Vice President Anna Borchers
Treasurer Madeline Somers
Assistant Treasurer Janeese Sweeny
Corresponding Secretary Lauren Coyle

What's New

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to get the latest on our upcoming events and see what we've been up to!

2024-2025 PTO Calendar

Volunteer Opportunities

One of the most important contributions you can make in support of the PTO is to volunteer some of your time. The help we provide allows us the opportunity to participate in our children's education in support of John Hole teachers and staff. Opportunities are available throughout the year to support fundraising events, teacher appreciation, class parties and family events.

You could also volunteer through our Academic Volunteer Program, which offers opportunities to support classrooms, as well as in the library, art room and recess.

We are respectful of your time and appreciate any amount of time you can give. To volunteer, please email us at

Image showing visual PTO budget

How does the PTO support our school?

Throughout the school year, the John Hole PTO plans programs and events to raise funds to support the teachers, staff and school. Our primary events require many volunteers and your support and contributions make them successful.

Any money raised by the PTO is directly returned to the school and classroom teachers to positively influence the learning environment. Teachers have limited budgets for the extras that make classrooms fun and interactive. That is why our PTO solidly supports the financial investment in our teachers' ability to deliver more to our children!

PTO Meetings

PTO Meetings are scheduled once a month at 6:30pm in the John Hole IMC.  We try to keep each meeting under an hour. Everyone is welcome to come! Here is our schedule for the 2024-2025 school year:

Monday, September 9: Popsicles on the Playground
Monday, October 7
Monday, November 4
Monday, January 6
Monday, February 3
Monday, March 3
Monday, April 7
Monday, May 5

John Hole PTO Forms

Form for requesting a check for a vendor's bill from the PTO Treasurer:

Check Request Form

Form to accompany cash/checks to be deposited by the PTO Assistant Treasurer:

Deposit Notice Form

Form to accompany receipts for PTO debit card purchases:

Miscellaneous Charge Form

Form to request reimbursement from the PTO:

Reimbursement Request Form

Form for staff to request reimbursement from the PTO:

Staff Reimbursement Request Form

Purchase order form for grade level and integrated arts allocations:

Purchase Order Form

Easy ways to help John Hole PTO!

C:\Users\cberkshire\Documents\Carla\PTO (This One)\2017-2018\Community Rewards\Kroger\Kroger Logo.png

Kroger Community Rewards

Support John Hole while you are doing your grocery shopping at Kroger!  Follow this link:, and register your Kroger Plus Card Number with Dr. John Hole PTO (#DW588) as the designated charity.  If you are new to, click on "Create an Account" and follow the steps.  Once you have an active account, search for and select Dr. John Hole PTO as your Community Rewards charity.   Once your Kroger Plus number is linked, Kroger automatically donates a percentage of your purchases to John Hole PTO.  (Don't forget to scan your card at checkout!)  This is at no cost to you!

C:\Users\cberkshire\Documents\Carla\PTO (This One)\2017-2018\Community Rewards\DLM\DLM.png

DLM Good Neighbor Program

Support John Hole while you are doing your anytime shopping at DLM!  Link your DLM Club Number to Dr. John Hole School PTO.  Then each time you make a purchase and use your club card, John Hole becomes eligible to receive a portion of the $40,000 Dorothy Lane Markets distributes to the community each year.  This is at no cost to you!

Follow this link to sign up online:

Coke Rewards

Visit this following website: Search for Dr. John Hole Elementary, log into your account, and enter your code!  This at no cost to you!

THANK YOU for supporting Dr. John Hole Elementary School PTO!